Are You...

  • Looking to understand why you are here in this lifetime - your purpose?
  • Interested in Soul Contracts and ready to realize yours?
  • Seeking ancient spiritual insights and practical tools to live your soul contract?

What's Inside?

  • Premium Enneagram Assessment

    You will receive an online Enneagram assessment, provided by IEQ9, the premium Enneagram assessment on the market, scientifically validated, and the only test powered by AI generating a unique test based on your responses.

  • Executive Report

    Upon completing your assessment, you will receive a 9 Lives Executive Summary, rank ordering all 9 of your Enneagram types, or Soul Contracts, and other powerful insights to empower you on your journey through this program and utilize the Enneagram in your life.

  • Videos

    In this program, you will receive introductory videos of the 9 Enneagram types and their corresponding spiritual archetypes. Additionally, there are bonus videos to empower you on your journey of spiritual exploration and practice.

  • E-Book

    You will receive a 9 Lives e-book containing spiritual insights and explanations such as angel numbers, channeled readings, spiritual practices, and tools to develop your ability to connect with spirit for each of the 9 types.

  • Workbook

    A workbook to record your discoveries and insights for each number, key takeaways you want to remember, and journaling prompts. This is essential in transforming from a theoretical exercise into a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

  • Audio Meditations

    You will receive 9 guided meditations and messages from Spirit channeled by Rebecca for each of the types. This will enable you to access the energy of all the Enneagram numbers as you learn to integrate all of them into your life.


However, we are currently offering a limited introductory price of $499

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds


Instructor Bio:

For more than two decades, Rebecca Rosen has served as an ambassador between the spirit world and our day-to-day world—relaying wisdom and insight from angels, guides, and those who have passed on to people seeking answers in the here and now. You can learn more at:

Rebecca Rosen

Spiritual Medium


Instructor Bio:

Dr. Baruch HaLevi is the founder of Defiant Spirit counseling, coaching, and consulting and the creator of the Defy Your Number Enneagram system. Dr. is a Logotherapist, Executive Coach, Rabbi, and Spiritual Director, has doctoral degrees in Divinity and Pastoral Counseling, and earned a diplomate in logotherapy. You can learn more at:

Baruch HaLevi

Dr. Rabbi


  • Do I need to know my Enneagram number?

    No. OYN will provide you with all 9 types so that you can discover your number, as well as the number of anyone else in your life.

  • Is this program good for beginners to the Enneagram?

    Absolutely! This program is designed for all levels. Whether you've never heard of the Enneagram or a master teacher, this program is good for you.

  • What's the difference between this and the Own Your Number program?

    Own Your Number is the Defy Your Number Enneagram system's introduction to the Enneagram program, minus all the additional content of Rebecca Rosen. It also focuses more on the fundamentals of the Enneagram. This program is for anyone wanting an explicitly spiritual understanding of the Enneagram.

  • Is there an advanced program?

    Yes. If you would like to formally continue your exploration of the Enneagram, be sure to check out Defy Your Number - the advanced Enneagram program.

  • Is there a time limit which I will have access to this program?

    No. You will have access to this program for eternity, in this life and the next :-)

  • Do you offer and/or suggest I take an Enneagram test?

    Yes. Although you do not need to take a test to discover your number, sometimes it's just nice to have that definitive answer. But don't waste your time with the freebies or cheapies. We provide the premium Enneagram assessment on the market.

  • What is the Refund Policy?

    No cash refund policy: No monetary refunds will be given for any reason.